Friday, January 29, 2010


































Monday, January 25, 2010



各自組成部隊 來大戰一場,


應該會大勝喔 ...


筆劃都是9劃 :

, , , , , , , ,

, , , ,

, ,


怎麼樣 ? 9劃 真的很強吧 ?

嗯 不過

, ,


唉呦 , 戰爭嘛 , 難免的 .......


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Louis Braille

Six dots. Six bumps. Six bumps in different patterns, like constellations, spreading out over the page. What are they? Numbers, letters, words. Who made this code? None other than Louis Braille, a French 12-year-old, who was also blind.

Louis Braille (English pronunciation: /ˈbreɪl/; French: [bʁɑj]) (January 4, 1809 – January 6, 1852) was the inventor of braille, a worldwide system used by blind and visually impaired people for reading and writing. Braille is read by passing the fingers over characters made up of an arrangement of one to six embossed points. It has been adapted to almost every known language. And his work changed the world of reading and writing, forever.

Early life

Louis Braille was born in 1809 in a small town near Paris called Coupvray. He was from a poor family and his father worked as the village saddler. His father made harnesses and other leather goods to sell to the other villagers. Louis' father often used sharp tools to cut and punch holes in the leather.

One of the tools he used to makes holes was a sharp awl. An awl is a tool that looks like a short pointed stick, with a round, wooden handle. Deep in his Dad's harness workshop, Louis tried to be like his Dad, but it went very wrong; he grabbed an awl. As he bent over, the awl slipped and pierced his eye, damaging it forever. Some time later his other eye became infected by the first and he lost his sight altogether. Braille's other eye went blind because of sympathetic ophthalmia. He was just four years old and his future must have seemed uncertain.

Fortunately, Louis' parents, together with the local priest and school teacher, were alert to his superior learning abilities and eager to provide him with the opportunity to develop them to the fullest extent possible. So, when Louis became of school age, he was allowed to sit in the classroom to learn what he could by listening. Despite an initial assumption that his handicap would keep him well back of the other pupils, he was soon leading the class.

A thirst for knowledge

At the extraordinarily young age of ten, Braille earned a scholarship to the National Institute for the Blind in Paris, one of the first of its kind in the world. However, the conditions in the school were not notably better. Louis was served stale bread and water, and students were sometimes abused or locked up as a form of punishment. Pupils were mainly taught practical skills like chair caning and slipper making so that they could make a living when they left school.

At the school, the children were taught basic craftsman skills and simple trades. They were also taught how to read by feeling raised letters where letters were created by pressing shaped copper wire onto a page. (a system devised by the school's founder, Valentin Haüy). However, because the raised letters were made using paper pressed against copper wire, the students never learned to write. Another disadvantage was that the letters weighed a lot and whenever people published books using this system, they put together a book with multiple stories in one in order to save money. This made the books sometimes weigh over a hundred pounds. The school had just 14 books, all of which Louis had read. Louis learnt quickly but found the system frustrating and slow. It was impossible for people with sight loss to write anything for themselves using raised type and it could take months to read a single book. He liked to learn and to play music. Braille, a bright and creative student, became a talented cellist and organist in his time at the school, playing the organ for churches all over France.

Finding the code

It was at the Institute in 1821 that Louis was first introduced to the idea of using a coded system of raised dots. Charles Barbier, a captain in Napoleon's army, visited the school to demonstrate his 'night writing'. This was a tactile system designed for soldiers to send and receive messages at night without speaking. It used raised dots and dashes rather than actual letters. Unfortunately, the code was too hard for the soldiers, but not for 12-year-old Louis!
Barbier later adapted the system and presented it to the Institution for Blind Youth, hoping that it would be officially adopted there. He called the system Sonography, because it represented words according to sound rather than spelling. While the Institution accepted Sonography only tentatively, Louis set about using and studying it with his customary intensity. Soon he had discovered both the potential of the basic idea and the shortcomings in some of Barbier's specific provisions, such as a clumsy 12-dot cell and the phonetic basis. Louis studied and re-invented the alphabet, making it especially handy for blind people. He used the spelling as a basis for the alphabet, instead of the phonetics Barbier used. He also replaced the Barbier's 12-dot cell by a 6-dot cell. Braille's system allowed you to read a letter by simply placing your finger on top of the six dot block, making it very simple to read. Due to his addiction to music, he also customized the Braille system so it could represent music.
Within three years, by 1824, aged just 15 years old, Louis had found 63 ways to use a six-dot cell in an area no larger than a fingertip, the system that we know today as braille. He had also perfected his 'planchette' or writing slate, which gave precise placing for the pattern of raised dots when writing braille. Then he published the first-ever braille book in 1829, named "Method of Writing Words, Music and Plain Song by Means of Dots, for Use by the Blind and Arranged by Them".

Useful new system

Braille began experimenting with cut shapes from leather as well as nails and tacks hammered into boards. He finally settled on a fingertip-sized six-dot code, based on the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, which could be recognized with a single contact of one finger. By changing the number and placement of dots, he coded letters, punctuation, numbers, familiar words, scientific symbols, mathematical and musical notation, and capitalization. With the right hand the reader touched individual dots, and with the left hand he or she moved on toward the next line, grasping the text as smoothly and rapidly as sighted readers. Using the Braille system, students were also able to take notes and write themes by punching dots into paper with a pointed instrument that was lined up with a metal guide.

In 1828, at the age of 19, Braille was hired as a teacher at the Institute and put in charge of teaching general education and music. Although Louis Braille went on to become a loved and respected teacher, was encouraged in his research, and remained secure in his own mind as to the value of his work, his system of touch reading and writing was nevertheless not very widely accepted in his own time. His system of Braille was not taught at the Institute while he was still alive.

At the age of twenty, Braille published a written account describing the use of his coded system. In 1837 he issued a second publication featuring an expanded system of coding text. He added symbols for math and music. King Louis Philippe (1773–1850) praised the system publicly after a demonstration at the Paris Exposition of Industry in 1834, and Braille's fellow students loved it. But sighted instructors and school board members worried that growing numbers of well-educated blind individuals might take away their jobs. They decided to stick with the embossed-letter system.

In 1839, Braille also developed a way to communicate with non-blind people using patterns of dots. He also allied with a man named Pierre Foucault to make a braille writing machine that greatly increased the efficiency of writing.

Recognition after death

Braille became somewhat well known as a musician, composer, and teacher, but he grew seriously ill with incurable tuberculosis (a lung infection) in 1835 and was forced to resign his teaching post. Shortly before his death, a former student of his, a blind musician, gave a performance in Paris, France. She made a point of letting the audience know that she had learned everything she knew using the forgotten system developed by the now-dying Braille. This created renewed interest in and a revival of the Braille system, although it was not fully accepted until 1854, two years after the inventor's death. The system underwent alteration from time to time. The version employed today was first used in the United States in 1860 at the Missouri School for the Blind.

Louis Braille died on January 6, 1852 in the building currently housing the National Institute for the Young Blind and was buried at Coupvray. He was only 43 years old. There was not a single newspaper in Paris that told of his death. Just six months later, the institute finally began using his system to instruct studetns to read and write. The braille system was finally recognized two years following his death in France in 1854. His cause of death was tuberculosis. In the years that followed, the practicality as well as simple elegance of his braille system was increasingly recognized, and today, in virtually every language throughout the world, it is the standard form of writing and reading used by blind persons. If a blind child is taught braille skills with the same sense of importance that is rightly attached to the teaching of print skills to sighted children, he or she will grow up able to read at speeds comparable to print readers, a life skill of inestimable value. Over 150 years after Louis Braille worked out his basic 6-dot system, its specific benefits remain unmatched by any later technology -- though some, computers being a prime example, both complement and contribute to braille. The braille system has since become the standard language for blind people and is used worldwide.

A hero for blind people

He spent his life teaching the system to as many people as possible, first as a fellow student at the school and then later when he became a teacher there. He translated many books into braille and was much liked and respected by his students.

Spending so much of his life in such poor and damp conditions probably contributed to Louis Braille contracting tuberculosis in his twenties. He battled with the illness for the rest of this life. Despite encountering much resistance to braille he never stopped believing in his system. He died on 6 January 1852, just two days after his 43rd birthday, unaware that his invention would one day be used all over the world. Braille began to spread worldwide in 1868, when Dr. Thomas Armitage, along with a group of four blind men, established the British and Foreign Society for Improving the Embossed Literature of the Blind (later the Royal National Institute of the Blind), which published books in Braille's system.

In 1952, Louis Braille's accomplishments were finally recognised by the French government and his body was exhumed and reburied in the Pantheon in Paris, with other French national heroes. Today he is celebrated as a hero for all blind and partially sighted people. He gave the gift of independence and the joy of reading to thousands of people around the world.

Today Louis Braille has had his portrait appearing on postage stamps. His home is today a museum. Other than that, Louis Braille is honored by having a street named after him in Netherton, Merseyside. The street is named "Louis Braille Close". Louis Braille gave his life to helping his students, his friends, and to improving his system for the blind. Now braille has been adapted so that it is in every major language and is the primary written communication system for the blind around the world. The braille code was eventually recognized for its practicality and simplicity and became a worldwide standard. And today, braille literacy is just as important as literacy itself.

Now practically every country in the world uses braille. Braille books have double-sided pages, which saves a lot of space. Braille signs help blind people get around in public spaces. And, most important, blind people can communicate independently, without needing print. It allows blind people to read, write, and conduct their daily affairs. Have you ever noticed the Braille dots on the ATM machine at your bank, for example? The system those dots represent came from the brilliant mind of Louis Braille. A boy who lost his sight from an unfortunate accident. A boy who went on to change his own world, as well as the world for other blind people. Louis proved that if you have the motivation, you can do incredible things.

"We the blind are as indebted to Louis Braille as mankind is to Gutenberg . . . Without a dot system what a chaotic, inadequate affair our education would be!" Helen Keller

*finally i have done 1 of my assignment. full of satisfaction now :D*

*jeing, 23/1/10, 1.25am*

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dream dun come true...

last fews day i dream about my hostel kena sport check. due to i have too many illegal stuff at home and my senior pass the message for me too late, all of us cannot "hide" our things as fast as we could..
we hide ourselves, bla bla bla..forget wad the dream is d..~.~
but too scary! and i awake from the dream and keep think and think it again..

maybe cause of my negative thinking, i attracted those negative things come near me..

when i syok syok finish my mcD watching my outdated drama series..
my senior come tell me that call me faster "sorokkan" my things..cause she got the khabar angin said the sport check is near to us..
she told me that ytd ad start the sport check. then today continue..
i dunno where should i "sorokkan" my stuff..~.~
there are too BIG!
luckily, my roomate got a car..i throw all my stuff to her car.

but the worried and dunno how to describe eh feeling still nvr end.
although i have kept all those really really illegal stuffs, i still have my fan, lappie and handphones which never can leave me 1..

don't know when the sport check will be end...thinking 2ml wanna go somewhere else to hide for the whole day?
or stay at home think where i should keep my things and wad explanation i gave to them when they found out my things?
or just act normal for everything?

i really feel and wish i m not in IP now..the feeling make me so bad..
the worry-ness, scare-ness..非笔墨能形容

hope everything back to normal..let me pass this short sem..i wanna to move out..
i dun1 stay in this scary surrounding..@.@

or ii be a guai penghuni go pay my licences...LOL!


*jeing, 22/1/10, 10.06pm*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Life cannnot without purpose
everyone live with purpose
live with dream
the different is only


for some example:
everyone think that explore how the magnum work is craziest things ever
but he can make it
*although just on the way*
but he dare to dream

she got a ridiculous relationship with the chef
but she beliefs on her faith
she know that is her HIM
she waits
she believes
God Bless Them

all the men in the gangz:
they have their own "doll" in UMS
maybe they say impossible 1 lah, bla bla bla
they are dare to dream about
one day maybe she will be mine

for me:
i have finally found what the purpose
i am in UMS


this maybe cause of my mom keep send those encouraging messages for me
this made me got more and more incentive to go on!

I wish i can upgrade my pointer for the coming sem
I wish everything is going as smooth as now!
i just simple love the lifestyle now

i got the form to study!
i got the form to complete everything as fast as i could
i got the mood to do my studdies well
i will feel stress when i cannot finished them
i will worry about my undone assignments and tutorials homework

i have done a list of what i wanna achieve in this year 2010

i everyday also have a to-do list
and i tried to finish all in the list
for these few days..
everything is going fine!

i know i am the best 1

wish us all the best!!
we will achieve what we want for this year!

everyone have their own dream
dare to dream
work for your dream

*jeing, 20/1/10, 1.15am*

Monday, January 11, 2010

::Says I Love You::

After these few years
dunno why
you still have a place for you to stay
in my heart

no matter how long
there's always a place for you

but the only things i cannot do is
i dun have the brave to show my love to you again

i scare
i nervous
i don't want lost you again

i rather like the condition now
just like nothing happen
i still can have you by side
when i need you

i just wanna by your side
be the one always support you
just normal no crush on each other

just be your trust-able friend
share your happiness and sadness
love can be faded but not friendship

i lost you before
i tried to get you back before
you choose to leave also

lastly and now

i still want to tell u

Je T'aime

"When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with yours forever"
*i still remember the warmth from your hand,
you always in my mind*

*jeing, 11/1/10, 1.50am*

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mummy!!! Are you proud of me???

in a fine day
when i am surfing the net...
out of my surprise...
i saw something!!!!!!
i know
maybe that's my dream one day
i cannot imagine
that really happen once in my life time

click HERE to know more

i really wanna thanks to my parent
without them, no me
i really really appreciate what they gave me
this is the time for me to repay their hardship


*jeing, 9/1/10, 12.06am*

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2nd Sem 1st class

this should be officially the 1st class..cause last week that accounts class only few of us attend..
the APK class..quite nice the least better than Dayu Sansalu--my 1st sem 1st class lecturer..LOL!!!
we waited the lecturer super long in dkp9--the most far dkp..~.~
endless path to the dkp9..zzzzZZzzz
my lecturer came in and take a seat among student..then all of us thought "aiks, guess wrong..that's student" then all of us continue chit-chat...
after few minutes he stand up and walk to the stage..@.@ pengsan!!! that's our lecturer..~.~
lecture and lecture and lecture..he got lot of stories to share..LOLx! then keep flirt with the orange baju kurung girl and her friends and 4 1st row men in the hall~.~
the best of this sub is NO FINAL!! TeeHee!!! all the assignments are counted marks...
and the group is divided by the SPE staff...aiks! hope me can be grouped in a group ppl which is nice 1..hahaha!!!

Done of my 1st section of the day..waiting for the night part...

when every1 heard of Teknik dan Kemahiran Belajar----
then i continue, i take ARU CLASSS----
"DIE YOU!!!"
but no ppl drop out other class, we just can continue taking this class..~.~
in our imagination:
ARU--some1 super strict! is ah bu nei nei! BIG eyes! is a male!

take this imagination we waited him outside the class..hahaha!!!! 1 ah bu nei nei come...with quite big eyes...quite fierce his face...
we all steady and wait him walk towards us...~~~cheh..tht's not ARU... another class lecturer(?)student(?)
2nd...another ah bu nei nei come...again disappointed us..NOT HIM!!!

Finally!! that's him!!!
really..his eyes!!! SO BIG!!! and ROUND!
and his eyes keep open 1...i rarely see him blink his eyes..~.~ *it's true*
we got our class and start our class
he is not as strict as we all imagine
he got a lot of jokes too..maybe wanna left a good image for us? not to drop him???


he teach 1..LOL!!! and the Mahathir/Badawi grouping..LOL!!!
i also forget what meaning d...i just know 1 is more democratic..

rupa-rupanya-----Tanjung Rambutan in Sabah call Bukit Padang..LOL!!!
if not mistaken...or mis-listening..~.~
and is so-called Hospital Bahagia..hahaha!!!

when we wana start to divide into groups...another big problem happen...he wants us to divide into multi-racial group... but all of us are chinese..muahaha!!! really.. is ALL chinese..
no choice.hahaha!! then another problem occur when he said wana multi-school...
MOST of us is from SPE..only 2 of them is from other school..MUAHHAHA!!!
no choice..he said multi-course..LOLx!!
and i found out among us...MOST of us is from IB-International Business

NO handphones*silent mode also cannot*
NO late to class*late for 5minutes no door in*
the rules of class..
in his whole section..actually not as scary as i imagine..maybe is the 1st class??

and make appointment before go find him
if not, after 3 years degree..u ended up with the skin cancer..*explore too much under the big sun*

before ended the class..
he Boom OUT another things...
OUR billie JI become the class monitor..hahaha!!!
Billie JI got a new name--TAIPING..LOL!!!

i think we all wont drop this sub..
1st is no other class for us to be chosen
2nd billie ji become the class monitor *he said ARU pandang tinggi him*
3rd---erhmm..give some1 some chances..LOL!!

try my best get all the marks from Mr.ARU then..^^

*jeing, 6/1/10, 2.42pm*

Sunday, January 3, 2010

start my movie life in UMS

since 26/12 i came back to KK
i have been watched 4 movies in total!!
hahaha :D

1st--Sherlock Holmes(27/12)
i wanna watch the bodyguard assassin 1..but billie watched it in Taiping d..
sherlock holmes loh..we are flexible 1..muahaha!!!
quite boring at starting
last part of the movie quite interesting..hahaha

2nd--Alvin and the Chipmunks (28/12)
since this is need to call up the guys
i sure will kena them screw....and reject
i call up mao mao go with me..hahaha!!!
never disappointed me..she agree and we watched it together
the chipmunks are too cute..!!! hahaha
most unbelievable...1 malaysia
i heard ke lian lo, pity, and kesiannya at the same time..LOL!!!
but the kesiannya make me so bad..~.~
so weird to hear it..hahaha!!! wonder..@.@

3rd--Bodyguards and Assassin (30/12)
finally and finally
i can watch this..since i in penang i wanna watch this
pity billie going to watch Avatar alone..muahahah!!!
our tua eh and soan yong finally come back d..
emo king all movies watched went back IP alone..LOL!!!

4th--Bandslam (2/1)
damn sia sui when go buy the movie ticket
i have no idea that is SATURDAY and still ask why din have the student price for the movie
maybe that's too long for my holiday mood
i have forgot i am in which day.!!!hahaha
quite a nice movie :D

that's my movie life here!!!
no doubt
that's my only entertainment here...
i maybe will watch all movies in the cinema..LOL
*except for those really can't swim 1 movie la*evil laugh


*jeing, 3/1/10, 10.00pm*

Friday, January 1, 2010

The 1st post in 2010

i think this is the 1st year that i didn't celebrate with family nor friends
but get lots of wishes from them

thanks ho weiyong still remember to phone me and wish me happy new year although u all celebrate in tanjung aru...thanks you peiwen and yunlee too

thanks billie to open webcam to show wad they did in campus..thanks swc, thanks mao mao

thanks those sms-es from my friends

appreciate everything

wish u all


*jeing, 1/1/10, 12.06am*